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Diary of a Young Farmer

Written by William Robinson 1939 - 1941, then aged about 20.

(click here for William's brother, Wilson's, diaries from 1935)

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APRIL 1940

Monday 1

Very heavy showers. Bright intervals later. Very strong S wind all day

Scaling muck. Jobbing about

1 SH. 1 R. 77 - 56 - 22


Tuesday 2

Long bright intervals. Light S wind

Chain harrowing. Hedging

1 R. 1 R. 1 R. Total - 80


Wednesday 3

My Birthday

Showers, bright intervals

Carting sticks. Rolling oats

1 R. 1 R. 1 HB big lamb dead


Thursday 4

Showers, bright intervals. Strong S W wind.

Carting straw muck out of hulls. Hedging. Carting sticks.

2 W


Friday 5

Fine and sunny. S W wind.

Carting sticks. Carting muck. Hedging


Saturday 6

Dull, fine, calm.

Sowing corn in Crow. Sew 100 stones.

I had to register at Kendal

1 W. 83 total. 1 big lamb dead


Sunday 7

Very wild and wet morning. Sunny and windy S W later


Monday 8

Sunny at times. Light N - W wind. Average temperature.

Jess to smithy. Carting sticks. Docking few lamb tails. Scaling muck.


Tuesday 9

Bright intervals. Light N wind.

Finished sowing corn 40 stones; 10 in Crow, 30 in Strickley Hill.

Washed bull for tomorrow

2 W. 1 W H


Wednesday 10

Sunny and warm all day. Hard frost, light N wind

Harrowing Crow

Bull sale. Took 1. Strickley Councilor £20-5-0


Thursday 11

Fine, dull, light SW wind

Rolled all crow. Cutting lamb tails on lots


Friday 12

Fine, warm, light N wind

Setting potatoes etc in garden


Saturday 13

Dull, fine, warm light S wind

Ploughing for potatoes in Bleaze Meadow.

2 W. Total 88


Sunday 14

Bright intervals, light showers. Very strong SW wind.

Very bad wet and wild night. Very cold


Monday 15

Heavy snow showers. Very cold. Bright intervals. Very strong W wind

All hills white with snow

Carting muck. Jock to smithy


Tuesday 16

Bright intervals. Cold frost. Strong W wind. Few hailstones.

Moving hen hut from Plucker into Brant Strickley. Ploughing in Sammy.

John Waller came for cart of Mangolds 10/-


Wednesday 17

Fine. Very hard frost, cold, strong SW wind

Ploughing in Sammy. Harrowing in Bleaze Meadow


Thursday 18

Very hard frost. Very cold. Strong E - N wind

Harrowing in S. Stitching in S and B.M.


Friday 19

Fine all day. North wind. Cold. Wet early morning. Snow on tops

Carting muck into potato stitches in Bleaze Meadow. Fencing in B.M.


Saturday 20

Fine and sunny. Very warm. Very wet early morning. Strong NE wind. Wet late night

Scaling muck. Cleaned tups. Finished stitching for Mangolds in Sammy.


Sunday 21

Wet early morning. Fine later. Light showers. Cold NE wind


Monday 22

Fine, very cold. Very strong NE wind.

Scaling muck. Bagging seed potatoes. Dashing muck for seed potatoes.

Saw first swallow


Tuesday 23

Fine, very cold. Very strong NE wind

Carting muck into B.M. Dashing muck. Setting potatoes in B.M.


Wednesday 24

Fine, dull, misty. Light shower after tea

Carting muck into B.M. Cleaning gimmer hogs


Thursday 25

Misty in morning. Fine and sunny afternoon. very hot

Sheep on lots - 30 ewes and hogs - 28 lambs

Finished cleaning sheep. Carting muck into S. Finished B.M.


Friday 26

Fine, dull, very warm

Finished setting potatoes in B.M. Laid 20 heifers out. Cows out first time


Saturday 27

Fine, very hot

Carting muck into Sammy for mangolds. Dashing muck.

Took 14 heifers on lots.



Sunday 28

Fine, bright intervals. Little cooler


Monday 29

Fine, cool at first, getting warmer. Rather thundery at night

Finished mucking mangold stitches. Finished dashing muck in S.

Took 4 sheep and 1 pig to Kendal

2 Wensleydale shearlings £3-18-4½ each

2 rough ewes 22/- each

1 pig £8-19-6 18/- per lb


Tuesday 30

Fine, dull, very strong NE wind. Very cold

Sew mangolds in Sammy

Heard cuckoo



Now & Then

Success at shows

Strickley Shorthorns

Family Tree

The Farm

1940 Diary

Flora and Fauna

Weather in pictures


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