
Now & Then

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Strickley Shorthorns

Family Tree

The Farm

1940 Diary

Flora and Fauna

Weather in pictures


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Living at Strickley in the 1930's were four young Robinsons, Henry Wilson  (born 1916), William Arthur (born 1920),

Abigail Isabella (born 1922) and Margaret Frances (born 1924)

They probably all kept diaries, and William Arthur's from 1940 gives an insight to the daily work on the farm,

as well as a record of the weather for the whole year.


Click here for a month by month account of life at Strickley during the early days of the war.


The elder son, Henry Wilson Robinson was a prolific diarist, and these extracts are taken from diaries beginning written in 1935, 1937, 1938, 1939

Wilson was married in 1938, and from then on the diaries also refer to his life at Over Bleaze. The fields at Over Bleaze are now (2006) part of Strickley.

Grateful thanks to Wilson for allowing me to publish these extracts

and apologies to those who don't know the farm or family and may be puzzled by some of the references

Click here to see all the field names.

1st Dad went to Quarter Day
3rd Killed pig and skinned gimmer hog
11th Set 2 hens. Cleaning tank out
14th Started hedging at Over Bleaze. 2 folk
24th At Kendal at bank
30th Willie to town for new suit
31st Last Suffolk lambed. 7 lambs


1st At Holme Park sale. Two of us
3rd Rabbitting. Got 1. Very few about
22nd Cat went with one chick
23rd Shot cat. Gone with two chicks


1st Carting and sorting sticks at Over Bleaze. Making gap into Bleaze Meadow
2nd Spout House sale. Bought hen house and 4 zinc bins
3rd Started ley ploughing in Bleaze Meadow. Willie helping me all day
4th Cutting gutter out and ploughing in Bleaze Meadow
5th Finished ley ploughing in Bleaze Meadow. Levelling holes off by beck side in Bleaze Meadow. Half-bred ewe had 4 lambs all alive
10th Set incubator for 48 RIR from Woodhouse. 56 WW mine and a few from yard
11th Went to Spout House to pick up hen house

12th Fine. Very hot.

16th At Woodhouse for chicks pullets
18th W Proctor here to value calves
22nd Set hen on 4 duck eggs
25th Attending to cows water bowls


2nd I was at Kendal. Business in Lowther Street
6th Hogg day at Kendal. Foot and Mouth restrictions on. Bought 11 Swaledale ewes
7th Dad at Dalton Old Hall sale.
12th Dad helping R Gibson
13th Over Bleaze sale
16th 2 cows from Bridge House
30th Wilson & Willie to town



from about now, the diary refers to life and work at both Strickley and Over Bleaze, with the emphasis shifting to Over Bleaze


1st Fine, cold, droughty. Heifers fed outside at OB. Hen and 10 chicks out. % ducklings added to yesterdays lot, total 12
2nd Moved hen hut from Strickley and got 5 rabbits and 1 rat from underneath. Carted Spout House hut down
3rd Putting hen house up at OB. My cows out to grass
4th Wilson & Phyllis got married. Fine day
10th Back from honeymoon
11th Moved Gibsons to Oak Dean, Oxenholme. Moved furniture from Strickley to Over Bleaze
12th Moved to Over Bleaze. Put hen house up for chicks. 34 hens from Woodhouse. Burrows brought furniture. 3 animals up from Woodhouse
15th Laid 2 milk cows out
16th At auction. Sheep worrying in neighbourhood
19th Laid 3 Woodhouse heifers out
21st At Strickley. Clipped all tups & 15 hoggs gimmers
22nd. Sunday. At Woodhouse
24th Went for nest boxes and old milk kits on sled and horse ran away. Badly bruised
25th In bed. Went to doctors. James and Mary here for first time
26th Up again but unable to bend leg and unable to milk. Woodhouse cow aborted
27th Wet day. Jan here in afternoon. Bill and Dot here. Fred Bent washed cart
28th Fred Bent washed another cart. I washed 1 cart I had at beck. I am getting no better. Nurse here.
29th. Sunday. In bed again. Nurse here
30th In bed. Nurse here. Got up


1st - 9th Hoeing turnips Strickley most afternoon and mornings at OB
10th Started thinning turnips at Strickley, but I am unable to, cannot bend leg
17th Nora to Proctors. WP started hay
18th Thinning. Clipped 7 sheep after work
19th Sunday. Clipped 6 sheep and cut lambs and pilled them at S & OB
21st Janet came
22nd Cleaned hen hut out. Janet helping out.


6th At home to hear Bramwell Evans
10th Sunday. Holmescales and Woodhouse
13th Started hay at Strickley
17th Sunday. Proctors and Strawberry Bank leading
30th Very heavy rain. River Kent in flood


3rd Started haymaking at OB. Cutting Front Bank
4th Finished haymaking at Strickley
8th Thunder but still haymaking. Bad cold astir
12th Still haymaking at OB. Started at Strickley again
13th Mowing at Strickley again
25th Finished hay at OB
30th Frosty. Haymaking at Strickley


3rd Mowing around Bleaze Meadow
7th Cut corn in Bleaze Meadow
8th Finished hay at Strickley
12th Finished harvest. At auction
13th Helping Holmescales to haytime
14th Canny Brow thrashing
15th Very hard frost. Kendal Show
16th T Robberts here
18th At Stricklandgate and Challon Hall Harvest Festival
19th Mrs Gibson here for flowers and plants etc
20th Robberts lambs went. Turned into fog
21st Ducks started laying. Hatched May 22nd
22nd Sold HB gimmer lambs for 25/6
29th At S.A.M. Mr & Mrs Brown here


10th T Metcalfe & Sons here to look at fireplace
13th Laid cows in
15th Pulling mangolds up. Dad here to help
19th Joiner here to put windows in. Walling between Long Rigg and Far Long Close
25th Benthams tup in
26th At Low Garths all day. Fire burnt all one barn down


1st Thrashing at Strickley
11th Dipping at Strickley. Dipped 40 all day
18th Cows in altogether
22nd Cementing pig hull wall. Cementing to stop water running into corner hull.
23rd Gravel onto garden path
25th Rabbitting, got 3. Got stuck with ferrets at top of bank head
26th Went to Holmescales Cottage for chest of drawers


5th Rent Day. At auction
7th Look out for biggest heifer by Bents bull
14th Thrashing at Holmescales. Finished after 25¼ days. Got 10 bales of straw
15th Carting into Brimms
20th Snow showers all covered 2 inches. Bickerton here to test cows for TB
22nd Very strong wind. Snow drifting 2 feet deep. Bickerton here again to test. Daylight slipped her calf
24th Cows finished testing. One reactor
25th At Woodhouse
26th Drizzle. All covered with snow. At Strickley for Christmas dinner

Extracts taken from diaries written in 1935, 1937, 1938, 1939